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Disease Prevention: Diet and Nutrition in Relation to HPV Driven Cervical Cancer

Summary: Cervical cancer is a disease involving the abnormal growth of cells within the cervix, or the region of the uterus that connects to the vagina.7 Cervical cancer affects nearly 12,000 women, and more than 4,000 women die from complications of this disease every year. The goal throughout this presentation was to inform the public of the issues surrounding cervical cancer and determine the if there are any benefits associated with diet and nutrition on the prevention of the occurrence of cervical cancer in women.  Research Question: Are diet and nutrition a useful treatment option for preventing and treating the occurrence of cervical cancer in women? APN 610 Reflection: The purpose of the APN 610 course was to familiarize us on the importance and the usefulness of a research prospectus in relaying our topic. During the session, we created a topic and learned knowledge on each section of a prospectus by creating discussion posts and completing assignments that de

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